Using MS-DOS Kermit, Second Edition: Connecting Your PC to the Electronic World, Second Edition (Networking)

A book/disk package for connecting with the world using your PC and MS-DOS Kermit.

Using MS-DOS Kermit is a book/disk package designed to help both technical and non-technical PC users alike to link their IBM PCs, PS/2s, or compatibles to other computers and data services - e.g., Dow Jones News/Retrieval, MCI Mail, databases like BBS,
DIALOG or TYMNET, and any mainframe - throughout the world. Based on the author's close involvement with development and distribution of the Kermit transfer protocol, the guide supplies easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, meticulously compiled
tables, and at-a-glance information on important areas. The latest version of MS-DOS Kermit is included with the book and provides: * Communication support for serial ports, modems, and PC networks - Novell, AT&T, IBM, TCP/IP, DECnet, and many more * DEC
VT320, VT220, VT100, and other terminal emulations, with...readmore


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