Principles of Mobile Communication
Principles of Mobile Communication, Third Edition, is an authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of mobile communications. This book stresses the "fundamentals" of physical-layer wireless and mobile communications engineering that are important for the design of "any" wireless system. This book differs from others in the field by stressing mathematical modeling and analysis. It includes many detailed derivations from first principles, extensive literature references, and provides a level of depth that is necessary for graduate students wishing to pursue research on this topic. The book's focus will benefit students taking formal instruction and practicing engineers who are likely to already have familiarity with the standards and are seeking to increase their knowledge of this important subject.
Major changes from the second edition:
1. Updated discussion of wireless standards (Chapter 1).
2. Updated treatment of land mobile radio propagation to include space-time correlation functions, mobile-to-mobile (or vehicle-to-vehicle) channels, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, improved simulation models for land mobile radio channels, and 3G cellular simulation models.
3. Updated treatment of modulation techniques and power spectrum to include Nyquist pulse shaping and linearized Gaussian minimum shift keying (LGMSK).
4. Updated treatment of antenna diversity techniques to include optimum combining, non-coherent square-law combining, and classical beamforming.
5. Updated treatment of error control coding to include space-time block codes, the BCJR algorithm, bit interleaved coded modulation, and space-time trellis codes.
6. Updated treatment of spread spectrum to include code...readmore
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